2019-10-01 / VLE PAGES
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Selected online resources and literature on topics such as 'bilingual development' and 'living as a multilingual family'.
National literacy trust: Understanding bilingualism in the early years
Naldic – National Association for Language Development iIn the Curriculum/The national subject association for EAL: Supporting multi-lingual children in the early years
Family lives: Talking to your child about culture
Future learn: Language policy in the family
Antheme: a 5-year collaborative research project (2014 – 2019) studying multilingualism in Europe
Mutlilingual families: a European Union funded education project that supports and informs immigrant or multilingual parents how and why to raise their children multilingually
Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism: The benefits of multilingualism in the family
Multilingual children’s association
Bilingualism matters: a centre studying bilingualism and language learning
Tales at home: a project that aims to support multilingual families, helping them to create a favourable environment for language learning and wellbeing
British Council: Video tips for parents to help their child with English
Mother tongues: An association that aims to raise awareness of the benefits and challenges associated with bilingualism