2021-10-21 /
New ISOTIS paper: Comparative perspectives on educational inequalities in Europe: an overview of the old and emergent inequalities from a bottom-up perspective by Nurse & Melhuish
ISOTIS colleagues Lyudmila Nurse & Edward Melhuish publish paper "Comparative perspectives on educational inequalities in Europe: an overview of the old and emergent inequalities from a bottom-up perspective" in a special issue dedicated to ISOTIS in Contemporary Social Science
ISOTIS researchers Lyudmila Nurse & Edward Melhuish publish paper "Comparative perspectives on educational inequalities in Europe: an overview of the old and emergent inequalities from a bottom-up perspective" in a special issue dedicated to ISOTIS in Contemporary Social Science.
The authors state "Educational inequalities remain a major challenge to the social cohesion of modern societies. They affect the younger generations in the society throughout their development and are also becoming more varied and entrenched. Although most inequalities are linked to socio-economic factors such as income, access to material resources, educational attainment, and social class, new emergent types of inequalities are developing rapidly: spatial segregation, residence status (native-born or immigrant)."
Further the authors conclude "This paper shifts the focus of the debate about the changing nature of inequalities in modern societies by drawing upon qualitative and mixed methods advances in studying socially disadvantaged groups. Their chances to integrate into society through the educational channels are not likely to be fully achieved without significant change in the current social environment and re-organisation of education systems."
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