ISOTIS and beyond
The ISOTIS team actively engaged junior researchers. Twelve doctoral dissertations and four master theses were developed within the framework of the ISOTIS research studies.
Doctoral dissertations
Acculturation Attitudes of Immigrants with Turkish Background and the Home Learning Environment (HLE) | Ayca Alayli, Utrecht University
Non solo vulnerabili. Una rilettura pedagogica della genitorialità migrante a partire dalle voci di donne arabo-musulmane a Milano [Not only vulnerable. A pedagogical reinterpretation of migrant parenthood from the voices of Arab-Muslim women in Milan] | Alessandra Mussi, University of Milano Bicocca
Professional development and pre- and primary school teachers’ intercultural competences (working title) | Bodine Romijn, Utrecht University
Promoting cultural and language awareness in primary schools with Digital Storytelling | Caterina Falcone, University of Milano-Bicocca
The interplay of ethno-cultural, gender and class based social identities within home-school-societal relational spaces: Turkish Immigrant Background Families in Germany | Hande Erdem, Freie Universität Berlin
Inclusive relationships between staff and parents in early childhood education and care in a multicultural Europe | Helga Norheim, University of South-Eastern Norway
The developmental niche of children in early and middle childhood: A comparative study between Roma and native low-income families in Greece | Ioanna Strataki, Hellenic Open University
Parental self-efficacy and home learning environment (working title) | Juliane Schünke, Freie Universität Berlin
Ethnicised welfare: The risk and security frame(s) in boundary-construction | Lenka Kissová, Masaryk University in Brno
Language development of Turkish-English speaking bilingual children in relation to home language and literacy environment | Pinar Kolancali, Oxford University
Multilingual families and their partnerships with (pre)schools | Ryanne Francot, Utrecht University
Bringing the world into the classroom: the development of global competence in elementary school | Sofia Guichard, University of Porto
Master theses
A relação família-escola em famílias das comunidades ciganas e em famílias residentes em áreas de baixo nível socioeconómico [The family-school relationship in families from Roma communities and families from low socioeconomic status neighborhoods] | Ana Miriam Neves, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Diversidade Cultural na Educação: Crenças Culturais e Linguísticas e Envolvimento Parental dos Profissionais [Cultural diversity in education: linguistic and cultural beliefs and parental involvement of profissionals] | Bruna Raquel Couto Monteiro, University of Porto
Interact and aspire high: Contextual conditions of acculturation and educational aspirations | Mario Amigot Pozueta, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Educational Disadvantage: Effects on the Implementation of Multicultural Practices | Rui Miguel Soares Maio, University of Porto