2021-10-22 /
New ISOTIS paper: Moroccan immigrant mothers’ experiences of Italian preschool institutions. A mixed-methods study by Pastori et al
ISOTIS colleagues Pastori, Mussi, Capelli & Francot publish paper "Moroccan immigrant mothers’ experiences of Italian preschool institutions. A mixed-methods study" in a special issue dedicated to ISOTIS in Contemporary Social Science
ISOTIS researchers Giulia Pastori, Alessandra Mussi, Irene Capelli & Ryanne J. R. M. Francot publish paper "Moroccan immigrant mothers’ experiences of Italian preschool institutions. A mixed-method study" in a special issue dedicated to ISOTIS in Contemporary Social Science.
The authors state "Being an immigrant mother demands both the redefinition of one’s identity as a woman and as a mother and a ‘double cultural mediation’ in children’s upbringing, between the culture of origin and that of the host country. Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) are key settings to supporting the wellbeing and the integration of immigrants. This contribution presents research conducted in Italy within the international ISOTIS project (www.isotis.org). Drawing on 114 structured interviews and 12 narrative-biographical interviews, this paper analyses how Moroccan mothers described their relationship with the ECEC system, teachers, and other parents."
Further the authors conclude "The findings may contribute to identifying factors facilitating or hindering immigrant parents’ full inclusion and participation in the community life."
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